Previously in My Life…

Planning is a glorious stage; starting is exciting … I had a great time. So, what happened?

Looking for my forever home, for a new place to settle, I took quite a couple of countries into account: Uruguay and Paraguay, Romania and Georgia, willing to explore Africa even – but Russia? No, I cannot remember it being on my list. And even when my curiosity grew, it was more that I wanted to see and experience the country, then settle down elsewhere.

You might wonder ...

You might wonder why I wanted to explore Russia at all. That in itself is a curious story – starting with the conflict in Ukraine, discussing it with students from different countries, having more questions than answers, reading and researching, and finally deciding, that I have to see for myself. So, I made plans, got excited, and arrived in Saint Petersburg on August 1st. 2023.

It was a glorious summer ...

It was a glorious summer, warm but mostly not too hot, dry, and the right background for exploring such an amazing city as Saint Petersburg. I am not a big explorer. I prefer to sit in coffee shops and watch everyday life, but I made an effort. I went to Catherine Palast and saw the (new) amber room. I saw a ballet and a 100-year-old bookstore. But most of all, I went to meet people: I met three of my four tandem partners. I went to a German-speaking club and international meetings. I made friends, and when the time came to say goodbye, I could not stop welling up each time I passed some place for the last time.

Following my gut, ...

Following my gut, following my feelings, the next leg of my trip – exploring new countries – ended up being an only two-weeks-long visa run to Germany, and I knew by then that I wanted to explore this fascinating country in detail. I wanted to go to smaller places – and I did, even though only for ten days. I wanted to meet old friends and but also explore everyday life more: dentist and doctor appointments on my list and in need of a new haircut, I was trying to find out if I could make it work – and I did. And with every checkmark, I wanted to stay longer, and so, in a rush and last minute, I signed the papers to start to get a long-term visa to this strange country, which was nothing like I imagined.

And there I am, in Tallinn - waiting for the visa, waiting for the next chapter in my life.



I have been an au pair, a tourist, an explorer, and a nomad – looking for nice places to visit and the one place I want to stay forever.

***** Don’t miss the next post!

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